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The aim for this project is for my group and I to create a music video that follows the codes and conventions of others with a similar target audience in the current market and use techniques to make the audience relate to it. We hope if the target audience were to see our video, a sense of verisimilitude would be created as our video would use similar features and conventions to others in the market.

Sunday 28 November 2010

Research: Ideas, locations and story board.

For my anclillary task, I will be creating a perfume advert. Therefore I created a mood board showing some exsisting perfume adverts to get an idea of the codes and conventions that I would have to follow. i will use 'gaze theory' in my advert, making the audience think that if they wear this perfume they will be like this artist. This is a common convention in perfume adverts as the audience will perhaps inspire to be like the artist. As this is a common convention, it will create verisimilitude for the audience.

I created a story board to make sure that the story line in the music video would be clear to the audience. By storyboarding ideas, it allows us to see our ideas running fluently and to see if anything else is needed adding in. Also, by having a storyborad it means we can stick to our plan and not get any shots that we will not use and do not need. We will make sure we show iconography of the London in out music video, such as the red post box, so the audience will know a little more about the artist. We plan to use this iconography as an establishing shot so the audience is straight away aware of the location. In the research stage, I have found that this is a convention of music video and from talking to our target audience it is clear that they like the idea of showing this piece of iconography is the first verse of the song.

We created this mood board to get an idea of our artist's personality, and to make sure this came across in our video. By gathering lots of images of Pixie Lott, we got an idea of the way she dressed and what type of photography she used on her own products, meaning that we could follow these features throughout, giving the audience a sence of velerismiltude.

If we were to film our video in London, we would need to add the iconography of London into our video, so the audience knows straight away where the location is. This also gives the audience a bit more information about the artist, letting them know where she is from.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Research: Planning idea's

I need to:
- Identify the codes and conventions of perfume adverts
- Complete my final mood board before moving on to designing the perfume bottle
- Upload all my completed work onto blogger!
- Make sure the gaze theory is included in the photography
- Discuss with my group the type of shots we plan to use, and what camera equipment we will need for each.

S x


Monday 18 October 2010

Development: Completed tasks + plan for the week

Tasks completed:
mood boards
story board
draft ideas

By the end of this week my group and I hope to have completed:
colour scheme
photography (including gaze theory images)

I shall upload images of all our completed work on tomorrows blog :)

S x