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The aim for this project is for my group and I to create a music video that follows the codes and conventions of others with a similar target audience in the current market and use techniques to make the audience relate to it. We hope if the target audience were to see our video, a sense of verisimilitude would be created as our video would use similar features and conventions to others in the market.

Monday 18 April 2011

Evaluation: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Digipak feedback

Perfume advert feedback

Please also refer to my blog on feedback of rough cut from peers.

Audience feedback is the most important research that needs to be undertaken when creating any product. I created questionnaires to know what my target audience were looking for in new products and based the rest of my production around these responses.
Form audience feedback I have learnt that the target audience like the way they are able to relate to the artist and learn from her experiences, this is part of the uses and gratification theory 'personal identity', making the audience feel like they are not alone. By my group and I using every day locations such as a bedroom, park and street, the audience could relate to the experiences of the artist and found this effective in the music video as a sense of verisimilitude was created for them.
I also learnt from our target audience that the style used was very effective into attracting the audience and the delicate and girly style made my target audience want to see more. For those who were not in our target audience, they liked seeing the dramatic irony in the video and liked the way gaze theory was used. By using these techniques a wider audience was created and from the feedback of these audience members I have learnt that there are many ways to attract any type of person to any type of product if the right techniques are used.
From audience feedback, it it is clear that colour symbolism was also very effective in our products and that this helped the use of character functions, making the narrative clearer.
A response from my perfume advert was that a peer liked the magazine review used, showing that the 'two-step flow' technique I used worked and the audience would buy the product because someone they trust has said it is worth using.
One of the most interesting responses I got from the music video showed 'reception theory'. A girl in the year bellow me said that on her first viewing she didn't like the song used but on her second, when she was watching with people that did like the song, she then begun to like it. Reception theory shows that the audience themselves help to shape the meaning of the text, depending on what mood they're in or who they're with.
One of the more negative comments we received was that our video looked cheap and unprofessional. Although we agreed with this- because the equipment used was not of the highest standard possible, we also agreed our shots used do look professional. If we had all our shots handheld for example, a very tacky and unprofessional response would be given.We think, as do the majority of our audience, that we made the right decisions on the shots used.
Audience feedback also showed that the gaze theory used make the audience feel more pathos towards the artist. For example, because both boyfriends are good looking, the audience felt sorry for the artist as they wound not know what to do and who to pick if they were in her position. If the boyfriends were unattractive, the audience may not feel sorry for the artist because they would not feel sorry for themselves if they were in this situation.
The majority of the audience enjoyed the way that in our music video they saw shots that have previously been used in music videos from similar artists that they enjoyed. For example, the slow rotations used to show romance were very popular with our target audience because they recognised this convention.
A peer said that as soon as she heard the song she knew the artist was the 'goodie'. From this response, it is clear that the perfect song has been use to represent the 'innocence' of our character and that track chosen automatically frames the audiences first response to what the main character's personality will be like.

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