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The aim for this project is for my group and I to create a music video that follows the codes and conventions of others with a similar target audience in the current market and use techniques to make the audience relate to it. We hope if the target audience were to see our video, a sense of verisimilitude would be created as our video would use similar features and conventions to others in the market.

Friday 8 April 2011

Research: Album track list

researching into the track lists of similar artist's to our own, I noticed that not all of the songs featured on the album were of the same genre that the artist is typically known for.
Although all the songs on many albums are of the same genre, many also have around 6 out of 10 of their typical genre, which their target audience would be attracted to, and the other 4 of a completely different genre to attract a bigger audience and show a different side of their personality and perhaps another kind of genre they enjoy listening to.
Because the variety of music genre's on an album is a code and convention of albums, I have not only included songs from our artist's genre on the album but also a few from another genre.
To attract a wide audience to the album, the songs on the track list are not all slow like the single 'Broken Arrow' but are of all different tempos, speeds and genres.

An example of an artist stepping out of their genre is shown bellow by Pixie Lott:

Pixie Lott's genre is pop, however this Kings Of Leon song is of the Indie Rock genre. The artist may have done this because this is the type of music she is interested in and would hope to be spotted as an artist who can sing a variety of songs from different genres. The artist may be wanted to attract a wider audience, by singing this and uploading it on YouTube she would not only get her fans watching, interested in a new song, but also a wider audience who like the original track or this genre. The more subscriptions she gets on YouTube, the more people will see all of her songs. Also, the target audience for this genre is an older age group the Pixie's target audience, which connotes that a wider group of followers and fans will be created. The majority of Pixie Lott's target audience are young girls but by singing this type of song she is also attracting the male gender to her music.

By singing a Stevie Wonder song, this artist is attracting an older audience to her music. This is a very clever technique as her audience a teenage girls and young adults. Nostalgia is create as the older audience will remember when the original track was released and will have the same positive feelings as they reminisce happy memories of 'the good times' when they were younger and went to concerts or parties and listened to Stevie Wonder. The older audience may buy Pixie Lott's album, hoping they will get this feeling over and over. By singing this soul and R&B song attracts a much wider audience. word of mouth will also be used as Pixie Lott's target audience will hear this song and perhaps tell their parents about it, the teenager attracted to the artist's voice and the parent attracted to the song.

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