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The aim for this project is for my group and I to create a music video that follows the codes and conventions of others with a similar target audience in the current market and use techniques to make the audience relate to it. We hope if the target audience were to see our video, a sense of verisimilitude would be created as our video would use similar features and conventions to others in the market.

Thursday 24 February 2011

Development: CD Case Development

This is the first draft of my CD case. Although this follows the conventions of a cd case, such as having around 19 songs, barcode and album credits, there was one problem I encountered. In all the CD Case's I have looked at for research, the production credits are at the bottom and songs nearer the top. Because my CD case did not match this convention, it did not look professional. 

With the production credits and songs moved, an improvement can be seen in the CD case. However, when looking back at other CD cases, I noticed that on the majority of them feature the songs in the middle left of the page instead of top left. To solve this problem, I moved the song list to make it look more professional.

Before I started creating my CD case, I researched into other CD case's of similar artists to make sure it matched the codes and conventions. The typography I used was 'Calibri', a very clear font. This is also a convention of CD cases.

The pink overlay was used because this is a feature on my perfume advert. It is important that throughout all of the products that consistency is kept so that the audience immediately know that the products relate.

Here is a draft of my perfume advert...

Although this is draft is unfinished, the consistency between the two products are clear. This product is also consistent throughout with the digipak as the images have the same effect and the house style colour of pink is used throughout all of my ancillary tasks and those in my group, as well as the effect on the images and typography.

Tomorrow I shall be updating my blog with images of existing products in the media, comparing them to the final versions of my own.

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