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The aim for this project is for my group and I to create a music video that follows the codes and conventions of others with a similar target audience in the current market and use techniques to make the audience relate to it. We hope if the target audience were to see our video, a sense of verisimilitude would be created as our video would use similar features and conventions to others in the market.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Development: Ancillary Photoshoot and Gaze theory

21st January. These are the images we captured for out Ancillary Tasks. We looked at the codes and conventions of images of Pixie Lott on photoshoots and took those into consideration. We made sure the style of these images matched the style of our footage, creating a relation and consistancy throughout. The majority of our audience, teenage girls and young women, we have found from audience research feedback that they want a soft and delicate feel to come through in all of the products. For the minority of the audience that are boys and young me, we have made sure the gaze theory is used to attract them to all of the products. Of course, the gaze theroy apply to everyone as the female gender will buy the products thinking that if they listen to the cd or wear the perfume, they will be more like her.

This is a shot we are going to be using in our ancillary tasks. When researcing our artist, Pixie Lott, we noticed that in alot of her merchandise she uses props, such as a chair.

We used the use of the lamp here to give a shadowy effetct across the models face, a effect which we had seen used in alot of artist's with the same target audience.

Amy's ancillary task is a calander, therefore this tyoe of image would be perfect some some of the autumn months.

The pose used here is one that would attract the male gender as the gaze theory is used here. The artist's sexy pose here would want male to buy the products, thinking their may be a hint in the product how to get a girlfriend similar to the artist. Also, the feamle gender will want to buy the products because they inspire to look/be like the artist and they hope the products will have clues on how to achieve this.

In our music video, there is a clip of our artist singing while looking out of her window. We took this shot to keep the consistancy throughout all of our products.

We decided to take the images in the garden for a number of different reasons. Firstly, Amy is creating a calander as one of her ancillary tasks and we thought this would be a perfect location for the auteum months. Also, I needed images with varied locations for my digipak as I wanted to create a collage for the middle page and this would not be as effective if all the locations were similar.

I really like this image as I think the way the leaves are falling looks professional and creative, two of the things we want the audience to think of our artist.

On the back of Ashlee Simpson's Digipak, there is a shot of her similar to this one. We took this shot as Pixie Lott has the same target audience as that of Ashlee Simpson.

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