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The aim for this project is for my group and I to create a music video that follows the codes and conventions of others with a similar target audience in the current market and use techniques to make the audience relate to it. We hope if the target audience were to see our video, a sense of verisimilitude would be created as our video would use similar features and conventions to others in the market.

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Development: filming + audience attraction

Yesterday was our final filming session and Amy and I successfully got the footage we needed to complete our music video. The piece of equipment that came in use to us the most was the steady cam, which we used to get hand-held type shots but steady instead of shaky. When filming the boyfriend scene, we filmed in two different locations, on the sofa and in the kitchen. These locations were important to attracting the target audience, as they are very normal locations so many people can relate to it, whereas if the location were in somewhere like a studio, not as many people would be able to relate to this, creating a sense of verisimilitude. For the kitchen scene a bright light was used, contrasting to the dim lighting used for the sofa scene. This creates a sense of time for the audience, making them think that there is a long time period between the two scenes. One problem we encountered when filming was that we wanted this to be our final session, as we now have plenty of footage, but we wasn't sure what verse needed more clips. To solve this problem, we decided to do shots in the woods where the artist is just walking, instead of signing, so we could use this shot where ever it was needed. We are aware than when we get to editing the footage, some more may need to be added and some may not look as we hoped it would. Overall, I think the footage we got matches the codes and conventions of a music video, such as close up's showing emotion of the artist's face and using lighting to show time change.

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