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The aim for this project is for my group and I to create a music video that follows the codes and conventions of others with a similar target audience in the current market and use techniques to make the audience relate to it. We hope if the target audience were to see our video, a sense of verisimilitude would be created as our video would use similar features and conventions to others in the market.

Sunday 20 February 2011

Development: Digipak progress

I wanted to create a poster effect for the middle page of the Digipak, however my first draft was too plain and uninteresting with too much blank space. I decided to change the font to match the front cover of the album and to also use a black and white effect, again similar to my front cover. However My teachers told me that this was not one of the strongest images, I therefore decided to use four of the strongest images in one poster. I edited these images to make sure it was consistent throughout, as the others in my group had used this effect. As I said in a previous post, the social networking logos and addresses and a convention in recent Digipak's, cross promoting the products, As the audience will have seen this feature used in many other Digipak's, it will create a sense of verisimilitude for the audience.

I really like the collage effect used here and I think it is one of the strongest parts of the Digipak. I used this because I saw it used in another Digipak, meaning it meets the correct conventions. Although I liked my first draft, after gaining feedback from my teachers it was clear that I could do more to make it better. In the first draft, some of the stronger images are being cut off and not standing out as they should be. I therefore, using the photoshop light tool, make the strongest images brighter and toned down the brightness on the other images, making the stronger ones stand out. I also moved these images to the centre of the collage. I changed all the images to a Polaroid style to break all the images up and so that I could incorporate the artist's name into the collage.

I thought my first draft was too plain, and although it meet the conventions of a lyrics page, could be made more eye-catching. I therefore edited the image to match that of others in my group and to make it jump out more. I also changed the colour of the background to pink so it attracted the target audience, teenage girls.

This shows how my digipak front cover has progressed since the first stages of the production process. I liked the way the lips were in colour whereas the rest of the image was in back and white, however, this wasn't consistent throughout the rest of the images used and therefore didn't match the codes and conventions. The text on my first draft was too small and didn't stand out enough, not making it clear to the audience who's album this is. Making the image darker to my current album cover means that the white text stands out more, making the name of the album clearer to the audience. Although I like the current typography in a recent progress review our teachers said that my group and I should change this typography as it is too commonly known, which is not a convention of an album cover.

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