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The aim for this project is for my group and I to create a music video that follows the codes and conventions of others with a similar target audience in the current market and use techniques to make the audience relate to it. We hope if the target audience were to see our video, a sense of verisimilitude would be created as our video would use similar features and conventions to others in the market.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Development: Codes and Conventions

When taking our photography, we had to make sure that the codes and conventions of real celebrity images that would be used on products such as posters, DVD covers, cd covers and calanders were shown through are photographs. We had spent a lot of time looking professional photographs of Pixie Lott, looking at her body positing and posture, to incorporate these things when taking our photos. I think we did this successfully, and believe a sense of verisimilitude is created, as the target audience will be familiar with these types of photographs having seen them in the work of other artists of the same genre. Some of these photos feature props, chairs and a mic, which when researching we found was a common convention of music artist images.

Using a blank wall gives us more opptunity to edit the image in photoshop and gives us the freedom to try different effects and styles.


This image realates to the style and feel of our music video creating a consistent feel for the audience. The angelic positing and the fact that the audience has her eyes closed creates a 'soft and delicate feel for the audience, one that in our reseach we discovered the target audience wanted. We have learned from audience feedback that the consistant delicate feel to all of the products is a feature they feel works effectivly because the majority of the audience can relate to it as they too like to feel delicate. For the minority of the audience that are men, the gaze theory is used here because of the softness and beauty of the artist's face.

Over the past few weeks, I feel I had made real development on my digipak. For my research into this product, I have found three digipak's from current artists (Rihanna, The Wanted and Ashlee Simpson) that very in audiences. Although I could have just taken conventions and styles from a digipak such as Ashlee Simpson's, who has a similar target audience to Pixie Lott, I wouldn't have found as many codes and conventions of digipak's if I didn't also look other two others.
I feel my digipak is starting to look professional and follows the code and conventions to make it look as if it could be sold in shops.

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