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The aim for this project is for my group and I to create a music video that follows the codes and conventions of others with a similar target audience in the current market and use techniques to make the audience relate to it. We hope if the target audience were to see our video, a sense of verisimilitude would be created as our video would use similar features and conventions to others in the market.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Development: Digipak Development

I used black and white on the front cover so that the typography showing the artist's name 'Pixie Lott' would stand out in contrast. After a progress review with my teachers however, they said that the typography used would need to be changed as it is too commonly known and we needed to use something more unique.

I used this image because it shows clear iconography of the chosen genre because of the mic and think it is a strong image with good lighting.


The background throughout the digipak was origionally white, however this looked too plain. My teacher suggested that I put an image of the artist under the text with a low ocpasity, I shall try this and compare the final outcome to the exsisting one. The name of each song is used in a typography that looks as if the artist has signed it herself, attracting the audience.

I have been told my peers and teachers that these are four of the strongest images, therefore I decided to encorporate them into one poster. A poster within the Digipak is a feature i've seen used in a few of the digipaks I have researched. The information of the artist's social networking sites is another feature encorperated in newer digipaks. I used the white banner of the bottom of the page to break up the writing, so that the audience would be more likey to read it, if there were too much text it would look unappealing.

The 'Thank you' section was a feature used in all of the DigiPak's I have looked at. I shall add some more to this as I need to use up the blank space left on the page.

This is my favourite page of the Digipak. This collage effect gave me plenty of opptunity to show the wide range of photography taken and the polariod camera look allowed me to add the nae of the artist in the typography 'handwriting- dakota' which looks as if the artist has signed it herself. I dimmed down the lighting on some of the images using photoshop and made the other images brighter. This allowed images that I thought were strongest to be noticed first.

This looks alot like one of the previous lyrics pages. They are consistant throughout, using the same colours and text. This is a crucial convention of a digipak. The name of the song is in the same font as the font on the college, again creating consistancy. It was very important that there were only a few fonts used, otherwise it would be too confussing and unprofesional. I used a variety of different types of song's in the digipak, as I noticed when researching that alot of artists similar to Pixe Lott do this is order to attract a wider audience amd to make the album more exciting.

I think the lighting used on the back page of the digi-pak is strong and this is one of the strongest photographs. It is important to have a strong image on the front and back cover as they are on their own without text.

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