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The aim for this project is for my group and I to create a music video that follows the codes and conventions of others with a similar target audience in the current market and use techniques to make the audience relate to it. We hope if the target audience were to see our video, a sense of verisimilitude would be created as our video would use similar features and conventions to others in the market.

Friday 25 February 2011

Evaluation: Digipak codes and conventions

   Here I shall compare my Digipak design with other Digipak's that are currently in the market. I shall explain why I choose to use certain features and why I think they are effective.
                                                         Photo and lyrics page
Although 'The Wanted' are a very different type of artist to our own, the have the same target audience, teenage girls, because they are 'heartthrobs'. Therefore I thought that who ever made their digipak must have designed it to attract this target audience, therefore I made my design similar to also attract this audience, but also followed the codes and conventions of artists' similar to mine, such as Taylor Swift and Ashlee Simpson. The current page currently in the market is similar to my own in the way that it has a photo with no text on the left side of the page and lyrics on the right. I think that the photo page is effective, as it straight away gives the audience an insight into the personality of the artist. It also breaks up the text meaning that the audience are not put off by the amount of text. I needed to make my page more girly than that of The Wanted, therefore I added small hearts on the page to let the audience know that this is the album for them. This feature also broke up the text, making the page look more approachable.

Back of CD case
The back of the CD case has many codes and conventions that apply to all albums. These features include the bar code, production credits (such as who the album is licenced to, the record company and ownership) and also the logo of the record company. Albums have a main convention of the CD case which is the name of the tracks which are on the album. I included all of these conventions onto my Cd case in order to create a professional looking product. There is one more thing I need to add, which is the small text at the sides of the case. This means that if the audience were to put the case in a CD rack, they would know who the artist is straight away because of the name of the artist on the side. This also includes a serial number, so the product can be looked up quickly in a store. To keep the consistency with the digipak, I added a photo behind the text with a layer of pink over it, again attracting the target audience. A problem that I encountered when designing this product was the text as I originally wanted to use typography 'Handwriting- Dekota' which is a font I used in the digipak. However, when putting this into practice, the text was not bold enough and got lost on the page, therefore not following the correct codes and conventions. I changed this to Calibri, which is a font commonly used on CD cases currently in the market, creating a sense of verisimilitude for the audience as the typography in instantly recognisable.

Middle double page
Something I noticed when researching into digipak's was that the middle page was often the one that stood out the most, and the most interesting. I liked two different artist's middle pages, The Wanted's and Ashlee Simpson's. After discussing this with my group, I came to the decision that The Wanted's page would show off our photography more, otherwise much of this photography would go to waste. The Polaroid photography effect I think works really well, and the white at the bottom of the photo allowed me to incorporate the artist's name. When I showed the first draft of this to my teacher, he said that the idea as good but I had encountered a problem by cutting off some images that should be central as they are the strongest images. I noticed that on The Wanted's collage, the most effective images were in the centre and the less interesting images we're cut of at the sides. Therefore, to match the codes and conventions I moved the best photography into the centre. I also put the same effect on these images as were on the other photo's in the digipak, keeping consistency. Also, I dulled down the brightness on the other images, making the others stand out.


Double lyrics page

The lyrics pages consist of a coloured background with white text, in size 6 font. I encountered a problem when creating this page as this was too be my last lyrics page but the song lyrics ended when I still had blank space but not enough space to add another song. Therefore, I added four hearts on the page to put the two pages more in proportion and so I didn't have a blank space at the bottom of the page.

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