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The aim for this project is for my group and I to create a music video that follows the codes and conventions of others with a similar target audience in the current market and use techniques to make the audience relate to it. We hope if the target audience were to see our video, a sense of verisimilitude would be created as our video would use similar features and conventions to others in the market.

Sunday 6 March 2011

Development: Progress check and changes made

Last week I gave a draft of my digipak, CD case and perfume advert to my teachers and got some helpful feedback. I then asked my target audience what they thought of these new idea's before I put them into motion and after their feedback I began to make the final changes to my products. I only made a small adjustment to the CD case which was to add the folding sides onto it containing the artist's name and serial number. This is a convention of a Cd case and my teacher wanted to make sure I added it. He did not say what colour text I should use but after asking my target audience I decided to use pink so it was consistent with the other products.

My teacher didn't think the next page was at this best it could be and advise was given to me from my teachers and target audience to how I could make it better. Together, my teacher and I decided to completely change the layout of this page to match the codes and conventions of the majority of Digipak's as although I had seen the horizontal poster style on one Digipak it does not does not conform to the codes and conventions of the majority. I still needed to add information such as who the songs were written and published by and therefore decided to remove the competition feature and add this at the top left hand side on the page as this is a feature that every digipak must have. Feedback from my target audience made my decision to add a white frame around each of the photographs, making them jump off the page. The colour white is a consistent colour used on my CD case, letting the audience know that these products are related and creating a sense of verisimilitude as this is used throughout products in the current market similar to my own.

I also got my teachers feedback and audience feedback for my perfume advert to make sure I get it just right to attract the audience. Some small changes needed to be made such as adding drop shadow onto the 'With Love...' text and the repositioning of the review at the bottom of the page. Also, text needed to be added onto the perfume bottle to let the audience recognise the perfume straight away. The text used is one that is used previously on my ancillary tasks, creating a verisimilitude for the audience. I thought there was too much blank space on the bottom of the page and after gaining audience feedback on this matter came to the decision to add a five star feature onto the review to make the text on the page look more in proportion. This feature I have seen used before on posters and perfume adverts which advertise products of the artist's, therefore the feature follows the codes and convention of current perfume adverts in the market.

I feel my ancillary tasks follow the same consistent house style throughout- making it clear to the audience that the products are related and if they saw the layout and distinctive typography at only a glance it would still be instantly recognisable because of the consistency and how the audience is targeted.

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