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The aim for this project is for my group and I to create a music video that follows the codes and conventions of others with a similar target audience in the current market and use techniques to make the audience relate to it. We hope if the target audience were to see our video, a sense of verisimilitude would be created as our video would use similar features and conventions to others in the market.

Monday 14 March 2011

Evaluation: video diary on gaze theory in ancillary task

We see the gaze theory every day and it is a very clever way to get not only the target audience to buy the product but also a much wider audience. The gaze theory is a common technique used in all different kinds of products from advertisements to music videos. The gaze theory works well for my product as it attracts the audience to the product, making them more likely to buy it and even though this is a perfume advert aimed at the female gender, it still attracts the male gender into buying the product. Because the artist is attractive, a male perhaps wanting to buy a gift for his girlfriend would be more likely to buy the product thinking that if their girlfriend wore the perfume they would be more like the artist. If the artist on the front of the perfume was unattractive, the male audience would be put off buying the product. The impression is also giving to the male gender that if a pretty girl like the artist would wear the perfume then so would their girlfriend. The majority of our audience are young girls, who are a much easier gender to attract when using the gaze theory. If a young girl were to see this messages would be sent to her without her even realising. Singers such are our own are celebrity endorsements, who members of the audience inspire to be like and the target audience would wear this perfume to make them more like the artist. The artist is attractive and the message is sent to the audience that if they wear the perfume they would be one step closer to being prettier or a step closer to being a celebrity figure. The 'lifestyle' of the artist is also a big part of the gaze theory. The audience who inspire to be like this celebrity will wear the perfume hoping to be closer to living the lifestyle of the celebrity.

Both this perfume advert and my own use Gaze Theory to attract the audience but in very different ways. This artist has used sex appeal, by using mise en scene such as her revealing dress and also by the use of the colour red, symbolising sex. My perfume ad uses this convention in a way that attracts my own target audience, which is younger that Beyonce's. If I have used a sexy feel to show gaze theory, a much older audience would have been attracted and not my own target audience. I followed this convention because it is used is every perfume advert I research but in different ways to attract that particular target audience.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent Sian, a really good appreciation of audience is demonstrated here.
