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The aim for this project is for my group and I to create a music video that follows the codes and conventions of others with a similar target audience in the current market and use techniques to make the audience relate to it. We hope if the target audience were to see our video, a sense of verisimilitude would be created as our video would use similar features and conventions to others in the market.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Research: CD

As part of one of my anicllary tasks, to go with my Digipak and CD case, I am also creating a CD. To make sure my CD looks profesional, have have reseached into CD's currrently in the maket to make sure mine follows all of the codes and conventions.
I followed the feature of the text going over the outter circle in my own CD. When comparing CD's that used this feature to CD's that left the circle white I thought CD's such as this one and my own looked more effective and profesional.

Altough this CD is perfect into attracting its target audience, young teenager's, this CD's layout and features would not attract our target audience as they would be looking for a more sophisticated, classy and modern look, because they would think this matches their personality.

As shown in my development, this CD is similar to how my first draft. I added the track names to the CD and also the production credits and logo's for record companies. However, although I still have all of these conventions on my CD I decided not to use the track list as I wanted my text 'xo' to cover the whole of the CD as I had seen this convention on another CD and thought it was effective.
However, this is the CD that I got the my inspiration from, I have used the features of the layout in my CD such as the large letter and the contrasting background. However, my CD uses the house style to match the rest of my groups' and my own ancillary tasks, making all the products consistent throughout. This will create a sence of virismiltude for the audience as products following one colour and text sheme is a convention of anlillary products. 
This is a CD that follows many codes and conventions e.g. record label logo, production credits and track list. A feature that I like on the CD is the image, which reflets the freedom and youth that many of Taylor Swift's songs are about.

 This is the CD that inspired me to have the production credits around the CD instead of in a paragraph. Also, because this CD used the record label logo on the CD I also added this feature, following the codes and conventions of a CD. This is Demi Lavato's album CD and I decided to follow this CD because this artist and our own had a similar target audience meaning that if the audiene are attracted to this CD layout, they will also be attracted to mine. This CD also uses the large letter feature aswell as Pixie Lott's official CD, meaning that the audience is attracted to this feature.

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