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The aim for this project is for my group and I to create a music video that follows the codes and conventions of others with a similar target audience in the current market and use techniques to make the audience relate to it. We hope if the target audience were to see our video, a sense of verisimilitude would be created as our video would use similar features and conventions to others in the market.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Evaluation: Media technologies to construct, research, plan and evaluate

A media technology that played a big part in my research was the Internet. I not only used websites such as YouTube to research music videos to make sure my group and I were following the conventions needed but the Internet also played a big part into constructing and planning my ancillary tasks. By using search engines such as Google and online stores such as Boots.com, I was able to research into celebrity perfume adverts currently in the market to make sure my own looked professional. I also researched a variety website galleries from current artists' to see what types of photography I should be taking for my Digipak, these websites also allowed me to research Digipak front covers. Here are some of the websites that helped me in my research stage:
I have used three different programs to construct my ancillary tasks- Adobe Illustrator to create my perfume advert and CD Case, Adobe InDesign to create my digipak and Adobe Photoshop to edit all my images.
I firstly used these software's to create layout's for my products, I then edited all my images of Adobe Photoshop, by changing the levels of brightness and using the 'spot healing' brush to create a flawless look on the photo's, helping to use the technique of Gaze theory on my products. I then 'placed' the images on the various programs and built up the construction of my ancillary products from there. Luckily, because these programs are all Adobe it meant that they all had the same fonts and colours meaning that I could create the same house style, making my products consistent.
My group and I used the software Adobe Premiere Pro to import our footage and edit our video. We used the video transitions and effects on our footage to create a professional looking final product.
I also used the software Picasa in my construction stage to create the leitmotif in my digipak, which I then placed onto Indesign. We used different types of filming equipment to construct the types of shots we needed for our music video.
The track was used to create steady shots, such as the artist walking down the road and the shots taken in the woods. The Dolly was used to create steady movement in smaller spaces were the track could not fit, as were used for shots such as the establishing shot at the beginning of the music video in the artists bedroom. The tripod was used to make sure close up shots were steady, if we used these shots without the tripod a different effect would be created. Using the equipment was a new experience and as we progressed further into our production process we learnt more about the variety of shots we could create and the effect they would have on the audience.

Adobe Photoshop

 Adobe InDesign

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Premiere Pro

Video's evaluating techniques used


Media technologies also played a big part into the planning stage of both my ancillary tasks and to the music video. To plan our ideas for our music video, we pitched our ideas to our teachers and uploaded the video onto Blogger and also created mood boards and story boards by putting together a selection of images from current artist's found online on various websites. To plan the shots we wanted to use in our music video we watched a selection of music videos with the same target audience as our own to see how they were effective. I also used the software Picasa in my planning stages to create mood boards and style guides:

To show the evaluation of both the music video and my ancillary products I have used interactivity such as uploading podcasts and videos to show myself evaluating these products and uploaded them onto Blogger.  To evaluate the progress of my group and I, I have compared current music video's from YouTube to our own, showing how the follow the codes and conventions. I have also uploaded video's of the same genre as ours and explained how we have met this genre. The video's I have uploaded show why I have used certain techniques to attract the audience to my ancillary product's and I have also uploaded podcasts showing my progress throughout. I have an evaluation blog on Social Networking Sites and why they are imporant and how I used them as a convention in my digipak. To do this, I used social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Myspace in my production process to help me identity the codes and convetions of media products which incorporate new technologies.

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